Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Cookies 2020

I went a little overboard baking this year - perhaps too much COVID time.   At least my neighbors are enjoying them.     Thought I would share some recipes here (and so I don't lose them).   To keep this photography-related - This is a reminder I should practice my food photography - the iPhone can only get me so far.

For the 5 cookies, I made dough each day of the week and put it in the fridge.   That was the easy part.    Baking them all on a Saturday was the exhausting part.   Lessons learned - start baking earlier in the day, and let the dough warm up a bit before trying to scoop it out.

Starting with the diamonds at the bottom and going clockwise

👉Grannie's shortbread 

Those golden diamonds are not in any book, but an old family recipe that I've decided to share.   

👉Red Velvet white chocolate chip

Recipe here - kind of.  

The website had an 'original' recipe and a 'new' recipe.   Since then (all of 2 weeks ago) the original has disappeared, so the cookie made here can't be made again.  :)

These were a bit of a challenge.  I scooped them while they were still cold, so some baked into weird shapes.   Next time I'll let them thaw a little, then make them into proper balls.   

Next problem were the (vanilla) chocolate chips.   The recipe said coca butter chips are the best to use.  What a mistake.  :)   the chips near the bottom of the cookie just melted and candied the bottom of the cookies.   The rest just turned into puddles.  You can see some of the white globs above.   You can also see some burned chips.   No fun.   Next time I'll try Ghiradelli and see if they last better.

That being said - these were very tasty nonetheless.   

👉M&M Cookies

Recipe here  Photo at top of page

Every year I try a different M&M recipe.   They're usually good, but not great.    I have now found great.

I'm not sure if it's a good recipe, or if it is because this recipe calls for more M&Ms than usual, plus it has you add chocolate chips for good measure.  These are amazing.   My search is over!

👉Italian Lemon Ricotta

I tried this on a lark.  I like lemon, and these reminded me of childhood cookie.  Ironically, I thought these were good, just not great.   Maybe the other high sugar cookies have me spoiled.  But they were good and the neighbors loved them.   I tried drizzling the topping on, but dipping the top of the cookie in the glaze worked best, and was actually less messy.

👉Chocolate Chip

Recipe here  Photo at top of page

Well, who doesn't love a good chocolate chip cookie.   But like M&M cookies, there's no shortage of recipes out there.  And there are a LOT.     I randomly picked one of the many 'this is the best' from a FB cookie group, and I struck gold.   I think they are literally the perfect chocolate chip cookie for me!  Lots of chips, great texture, and lots of chips.   I definitely need to make these again.

👉Chocolate Crinkles

Recipe here   Photo above

I got this from a cookie book, but there are a million crinkle recipes out there.  The one above is closest so what my book has.   These are a fun cookie - nice and chocolaty.   You can make these nice and small so they are bite-size.  And they're a fun cookie to make with kids - roll balls like play dough and sugaring them up.    My only tip is to really coat them with powdered sugar.  It melts a little when they bake, so if you have a light coating, you won't have white powder on the cookies when done.   (if you have a cookie like that, you can sprinkle powdered sugar on them afterward.   They'll look different but are still tasty)

I hope some of these inspire you!!


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